
IAG Annual Meeting 2024

On behalf of the IAG feed microscopy board, we are delighted to invite you to join the 2024 annual IAG meeting and practical workshop which will take place on June 5-7, 2024 in Namur, Belgium.
All useful information is to be found in the official invitation letter in the member area.
Registrations will be done online only (by clicking on the “registration form” hyperlink into the invitation letter) and until May 3.


On behalf of the board of the IAG Section Feed Microscopy we are pleased to announce the organisation of several 2024 proficiency tests:

IAG Proficiency test on animal proteins detection in feed by light microscopy.

IAG Proficiency test on composition in mixed feed by light microscopy.

Many thanks to the organizers by this way in advance!

IAG Feed Microscopy Wishes 2024

Dear IAG members,

Although I did not manage to send you a complete End of year letter, I still want to wish you all a very good and fruitful time in 2024.

2023 was a very busy year, and our association managed to make happen all the most important and basic tasks we have given ourselves, and this based on goodwill and dedication of the members only. For this: congratulation and thanks to all, and especially our most active members!!

This is why I just want to advertise our homepage ( and encourage you to find there the presentations held at our Annual meetings, as well as the Newsletters of the past years.

Our next Newsletter will be written in the coming weeks – please note more information about this topic below!

Proficiency Tests or Ring Tests are being prepared and invitations are being sent to you, the 2024 Annual Meeting’s organization is in good hands, and we are following the European Legislation’s changes carefully. We are still in the process of writing Methods and setting up Workshops for the harmonization of our analyses, and we look forward to the always constructive exchange of knowledge and experiences all over Europe and farther. New challenges are being addressed rapidly and with a very strong link to praxis and routine, peer-to-peer communication and respect of each other’s problems are valued in our organization.

Without making it longer, and before it is really not actual anymore : Happy New Year and see you soon in 2024!

IAG president
Geneviève Frick

Nextcoming Newsletter

Our next Newsletter will be written in the coming weeks!

If you are interested in publishing any interesting contribution we kindly ask you to send it to our colleagues Manuela Zadravec ( or Roland Weiss (!

Many thanks in advance!


Dear members of the IAG section Feed Microscopy!
Please find enclosed the link to the first presentations of our annual IAG meeting in Bad Hersfeld right here:
The report of the meeting will arrive soon!


Please find the presentations of the following workshops on microscopy and PCR exclusively for IAG-Members in the IAG-Member area !

IAG Newsletter 2023

Please find enclosed the link to the IAG Newsletter of 2023
Newsletter 2022-2023 Section Feed Microscopy

Enjoy the reading!


The next annual meeting of IAG section Feed Microscopy will be held from 13.-15. June 2023 in Kassel (Germany)
The IAG-board will cordially invite you to join the next annual IAG-meeting – this year organized by our colleagues Britta Hertel and Elke Nitschke from the Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor (LHL) in Kassel (Germany).

Please find the invitation and all neccessary information to the IAG Annual Conference in the Member area:

Please send the completed registration form to and :
DEADLINE for registration: 28th April 2023
Many thanks from the IAG-Board to Britta Hertel and her team for the invitation and organisation!
We would be pleased to welcome you at the IAG meeting.


Dear members of the IAG section Feed Microscopy,
It is with great pleasure sending you the best wishes for 2023!
Please read this letter from Dr. Geneviève Frick

IAG-Proficiency Test for Animal Proteins in Feed

Dear Colleagues,
Dear Laboratory Managers,

On behalf of the board of the IAG Section Feed Microscopy we are pleased to announce the organisation of the 2023 proficiency test on animal proteins detection in feed by light microscopy.

Annual IAG proficiency tests are important for all official control laboratories and private companies laboratories seeking for performance assessment of the detection of animal proteins in feedingstuffs in particular with regards to the ISO/CEN 17025 requirements.
For years these tests were successively organised by Danish (DPD) and Dutch (WFSR) institutions. Last year a new collaboration was proposed ; from now on this IAG proficiency program will be organised by the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W).
On this page you will find the official invitation letter including some practical information as well as an application form to return by the 23rd January 2023 the latest to the organiser at the following address :
For practical reasons the number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 60, therefore if your laboratory is willing to join this proficiency test we invite you to react promptly to this opportunity.
We are looking forward to your future participation.
Yours Truly,
Dr. Pascal Veys


Dear members of the IAG section Feed Microscopy!


Please find enclosed the link to the first presentations of our annual IAG in Boxmeer (NL) organized by MasterLab (Nutreco) meeting right here:


The report of the meeting will arrive soon!


Dear members of the IAG section Feed Microscopy,
It is with great pleasure sending you the best wishes for 2022!

Please read this letter from Dr. Geneviève Frick

Dear members of the IAG section Feed Microscopy,

WFSR has decided to organise one PT this year, the one on animal proteins. This is due to the situation of my retirement this year. Future strategies for PT organisation have still to be worked out. Please find attached the invitation letter and the application form. The time schedule is tight, so the closing date of Friday February 11th is strict.

The IAG proficiency test for animal proteins is in particular important for official control labs and private labs which are not part of the NRL network or national networks for proficiency testing of the detection methods for animal proteins. The current list of e-mail addresses for sending invitations is certainly incomplete, and I will invite you to distribute this invitation in your own network of contacts .

Looking forward to receive your application.


As there was the first ONLINE-election of the IAG-Board this year during the annual IAG-Meeting some important changes occured:

First: We have to thank Renate Krull-Wöhrmann for her excellent expertise on the regulatory affairs. She leaves the board because of new challenges!

Second: We welcome to new members of the board: Julia Dietz from SGS – Germany and Manuela Zadravec from the Croation Veterinary Institute

Third: We thank Genny Frick for being our president for another 4 years, Roland Weiss for overtaking the part of the website manager, Jerome Vancutsem for overtaking the Regulatory Affairs and last but not least Leo van Raamsdonk who will still be our scientific officer for one more year until he will retire in 2022.

As there is a lot of work still waiting to be done the IAG audience wishes the new IAG-Board “Good Luck!”

IAG Newsletter 2020!

Although with a big delay, the Board of IAG section Feed Microscopy is pleased to present the Newsletter 2020. Notwithstanding the hurdles of last year, some interesting items are included.

Newsletter 2020 Section Feed Microscopy

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